- Author Name : M. Athar Tahir
- Cover : Paper Back
- No of Pages : 190
A tour de force, Second Conming, a first novel by the author, explores the sacred and the profane in the life of the protagonist. The multi-layered narrative is seen through his eyes which both colour it and expose him. It cuts across several countries and cultures, belief systems and social structures, ages and genders. The novel deftly weaves literary and religious allusions and illusions into an absorbing, complex portrayal. A cosmopolitan childhood, challenging and successful middle age and the onset of the infirmities of ageing contribute to the unusual manipulation of the time frame. The past, present and future of a sensitive individual prone to doubt and hope, vulnerability and sureness, are laid candidly bare. It is a story studded with comic moments of self-delusion, folly and the ridiculous. Here, viewed from telling, faceted perspectives, is the human condition.