1️⃣ Governing the ungovernable By Ishrat Hussain
- Pakistan, since its independence in 1947, had to face tumultuous years for the first four decades. Despite the many challenges, both internal and external, the country was able to register a 6 percent average annual growth rate during the first forty years of its existence. The country was ahead of India and Bangladesh in all economic and social indicators. Since 1990, the country has fallen behind its neighbouring countries and has had a decline in the growth rate.
2️⃣ Pakistan Foreign Policy By Abdul Sattar
- Written with the express purpose of providing a reference book for students of history, political science, international relations, and Pakistan Studies, this book offers an objective history of policy stances along with the rationale behind decisions made by Pakistani state leaders. It provides an insight into the making, implementation, and consequences of Pakistan’s foreign policy from Partition up to 2019. It will facilitate a deeper understanding of the strategic compulsions that have driven decision making in Pakistan’s national security and foreign policy.
3️⃣ Pakistan Beyond The Crisis By Maleeha Lodhi
- Pakistan’s diversity and resilience have rarely figured in the single-issue focus of recent literature on the country. This book presents an alternate paradigm and a deeper understanding of the country’s dynamics through an analysis of the Pakistan’s political, economic, social, foreign policy and governance challenges. It also discusses the complex interplay between domestic developments and external factors including great power interests that are so central to the Pakistan story and explain the vicissitudes in its fortunes.