- Author : Khawar Mumtaz and Farida Shaheed
- Language : English
- Cover : Hard back
- Publication : Peace Publication
This is the story of Pakistani women's determined resistance to the growing restrictions imposed upon them by the Zia Government's Islamization programme. The author's raise basic questions that women--both in Pakistan and other Muslim countries--must answer if their nascent movements are to take root and effectively challenge the existing patriarchal structures.
WOMEN OF PAKISTAN is the first history of Pakistani women's struggles for their rights in the 20th century. From the Education Reform Movement around 1900 to the current campaigns led by the Women's Action Forum and other women's organizations, the authors make clear the diverse conditions affecting Pakistani Women, and set their struggle in the context of the country's troubled politics and the specific role of Islam. They hope the story they tell and the questions they raise will provide a starting point for much-needed discussion of feminism in Pakistan
KHAWAR MUMTAZ and FARIDA SHAHEED now work for the Lahore Branch of Shirkat Gah, the Women's Resource Centre. Farida Shaheed was a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for South Asian Studies, Punjab University, and has conducted research projects for various international bodies in Pakistan. Khawar Mumtaz was also a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre, and is now Assistant Editor of Viewpoint. Both have published numerous articles, papers and research reports.