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  • Author Name : Ishrat Husain 
  • Language : English
  • Cover : Hard Back
  • No of Pages : 425
  • Publish Year : 2012
  • Publication : Vanguard Books

The Book:

(1) The Commission shall review and make a clear, precise and implementable set of recommendations in respect of:

(a) the division of functions, responsibilities and accountabilities among the federal, provincial and local governments to avoid duplication, overlap and functional redundancy;

(b) the appropriate size of government organizations, at each tier of government including attached departments, autonomous bodies, public sector corporations and other entities in the light of the responsibilities and functions assigned to each;

(c) improving existing, institutional capacity through identification and meeting of skill gaps in the context of functions assigned to organizations of government at all levels;

(d) the redesigning of rules and core business processes at all levels of government to achieve functional efficiency, client orientation, cost reduction, transparency and a shift of focus from process compliance to output and outcomes;

(e) inter-linkages between; federal, provincial and local public services with a view to strengthening the federation through increased transaction efficiency and smoother conduct of business;

(f) public service design for all tiers of government that would include:

(i) the structure of the public services at all levels in view of functional reassignments;

(ii) recruitment, training, placement; promotion and career planning for the public services;

(iii) the development of human capital through training and higher education;

iv) indicators for qualitative and quantitative measurement of performance for diverse professions and services;

(v) compensation packages and performance based incentives;

(vi) measures to fill capacity gaps in the interim;

(g) legislative requirement to implement the plan;

(h) resource requirement to implement the plan;

(i) a strategy to manage the proposed changes & transformation; and

(j) a monitoring mechanism to monitor the implementation of the approved recommendations.

(2) The review and recommendations of the Commission shall be made remaining within the ambit of the provisions of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.