- Author Name : Saeed Ahmed Butt
- Subject : Pakistan Affairs
- Language : English
- Cover : Paper Back
- No of Pages : 583
- Publication : Ahad Publishers
This book contains a comprehensive and detailed information which is required for students of Pakistan Affairs at all competitive levels.
✓ In this book, an effort has been made to explain the thorough answers of some of the important topics.
✓ I have divided this book into various categories like Evolution of Muslim society in subcontinent, Role of Muslim Reformers, Causes of Muslim Decline in subcontinent, Freedom Movement of Pakistan and efforts for Making of Pakistan, Geographical importance of Pakistan, its culture and Natural resources of Pakistan, Process of
Democratic Evolution in Pakistan, Socio-economic, Political problems and their solution, detailed information about diplomatic history and external relations of Pakistan with regional and global powers as well as with the Muslim countries... In this book, an importance is given to understand CPEC issue in a separate portion.. Meanwhile present scenario of Kashmir Issue, Kashmir possible solutions and Pakistan strategy after repealing of Article 370 on Kashmir has been discussed.. This book is an humble attempt to resolve the basic issues of students regarding Pakistan
Affairs papers for CSS/PMS/BPSC/ KPKPSC/SPSC